Willow Events

Our roots are in coaching and training.  Empowerment comes from knowledge.   

At Willow we feel passionately about educating individuals and financial advisors.  We hope you’ll join us for an upcoming event.  

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Certificate Holder Event

LinkedIn Best Practices

LinkedIn is an important component of your digital strategy for engaging with existing clients and attracting new ones. Your online presence often serves as the first impression for prospective clients, so it is essential that it is current, authentic, and accurately reflects you and your practice. Discover best practices for leveraging LinkedIn to grow and enhance your personal brand. The session will cover best practices on posting, how to be authentic and engaging, utilizing LinkedIn for one-to-one outreach in building your practice, and more. 

This event is exclusively for Willow advisors who have completed the Advisor for Women™ and/or Advisor for NextGen™ Certificate Program.

July 16th, 2024

Exclusive event for Certificate Holders. 

Learn More

Advisor Webinar

Engaging NextGen Client

NextGen investors have different goals, ideas, and habits than their counterparts in older generations. In this session, we delve into the Gen Z and Millennial segments of the market – their needs and preferences as well as how financial advisors can best engage with these groups. You will learn how to most effectively communicate and attract NextGen prospects online, understand their tech needs, and how to deepen your relationships with NextGen clients, including the children of your existing clients.

June 25th, 2024

This recording is only available to Willow advisors.  Learn More

Financial Wellness Webinar

Lacy Garcia, Willow Founder and CEO, talks about how a financial advisor can help you grow and preserve your wealth, and achieve your financial and life goals. Gain practical insights into selecting the perfect advisor for your needs – from key questions to ask, to essential criteria to consider, and how to make sure you get the support and advice you need.

June 13th, 2024

Financial Wellness Webinar

Planning for Education Expenses – What Every Parent Needs to Know

Are you a parent and thinking about the cost of your child’s future education? It’s never too early or too late to have a plan for your child’s future. This webinar is for parents at any age stage of secondary education planning or college planning.

May 16th, 2024

Advisor Webinar

Helping Clients Plan for Education Expenses

Beyond admissions and acceptances, families must also focus on the financial aspect of education. This webinar will discuss strategies for identifying the right saving plan options for your clients, why education expenses are integral to an overarching financial plan and how to communicate with your clients the benefits of contributing including how much and when.

April 30th, 2024

This recording is only available to Willow advisors.  Learn More

Financial Wellness Webinar

Let’s identify your definition of wealth and unlock your path to achieving your financial and life goals.  It’s time to define what wealth means to you and take proactive steps towards achieving it.

April 25th, 2024

Advisor Webinar

Empowering Women Investors

Supporting women clients is becoming more and more important to advisors.  This webinar covers how to communicate effectively to women clients, strategies for deepening  relationships with women clients and impact that all has on growth and retention.  

March 27th, 2024

This recording is only available to Willow advisors.  Learn More