Budgeting For Fertility

For many, starting a family is a lifelong dream.  Yet, for some, it’s not as straightforward, especially financially. Fertility treatments, often essential, come with hefty costs and inconsistent insurance coverage. That’s where a compassionate financial advisor, experienced in navigating these challenges, can make a difference. At Willow, we’re committed to supporting your family goals, empowering you to make informed decisions with sensitivity and understanding.

Furthermore, in the US fertility treatments are often not covered by insurance. While some private insurance plans cover diagnostic services, there is very little coverage for treatment services such as IUI and IVF, which are more expensive.

Depending on the fertility plan you’ve chosen, you could be looking at spending between $30,000 to $60,000. That’s a whole lot of money to pay out of pocket. Here are some tips to help you get started on your fertility treatments: 

Check if your employer offers fertility support or assistance: A lot of employers give financial support in fertility or adoption journeys. Look around in your company’s benefits portal or speak directly to your people manager about your upcoming financial obligations as well as any scheduling conflicts that might come up as you go through the process.

Start a fertility savings account: This should be a separate account that a part of your paycheck goes to every month. It’s important to be able to access this money quickly in case of an emergency, so it’s best to keep it liquid – or easily sellable. Here are some common places people keep their savings in short term investment accounts:

  • A High Yield Savings Account: A savings account with higher interest rates.
  • CDs : A Certificate of Deposit is a low risk savings tool where you deposit money with a bank for a certain period of time in exchange for interest.
  • Treasury Notes : Government issued notes that pay a fixed rate of interest every 6 months until maturity.
  • Bonds: A fixed income investment in which an investor loans money to an entity ( private or government) and the entity pays an interest to the investor.


  • Crowdfunding: Though this may not be an ideal option for a lot of couples, crowdfunding through platforms such as GoFundMe might be an option if you need to raise a few thousand dollars. If you’re comfortable, put up your story on the platform and share with loved ones.