How to Change Career Paths

It used to be that you needed to go to college, maybe graduate school, and work a similar job for the rest of your career. Many even used to stay at the same company for the length of their career. With democratized knowledge – thanks to the internet – and the rise of online learning platforms, the ability to learn and acquire new skills is more easily accessible and can help you pivot your career path at any time. 

But changing careers can be complicated and overwhelming, so here are some simple tips to get you started if you’re looking to switch career paths:

  1. Take Time for Self-Reflection: If you are looking to change careers, it is likely that you are not feeling satisfied by something in your current role. Think about your interests, values and skills. Identify what motivates you and what your are passionate about as that will be your guide in determining career change options.
  2. Identify Your Skills:  Look at the skills you have that extend beyond just the job title you hold. If you work as a Marketing Manager for example, you likely have both analytical and creative responsibilities that can be applied to many different careers. Make a list of both your hard and soft skills 
  3. Research Possible Careers: Once you have identified your interests, values, and skills, begin looking at new career opportunities that are in line. Look at companies you would want to work at and find the different jobs they have available. Read their job descriptions thoroughly. If there is a responsibility that constantly stands out or resonates with you, that may be a good hint at the kind of jobs you want to apply for. If you work in one industry but the same role excites you within a different sector, it might be about switching the industries you work in and not just switching roles. 
  4. Identify Skills Gaps: Identify and learn any technologies, new skills, and information you need to know to switch careers effectively. You can find many opportunities online for skill development through online training programs and courses.
  5. Use Your Network: A great place to start discussing career change is to look at your network and see if someone is doing a job that really excites you. If so, get in touch with them and ask what their day-to-day experience entails, and what they like and dislike about their position. Leveraging friends and other people in your network to help with your transition can be a powerful way to foster deeper connections and grow your network.
  6. Explore Departments at Your Current Company: Another great way to explore your options is to look within other departments at your current company. If there is a kind of work that interests you, it’s worth asking if you can shadow or do a project within that team. Since you are ultimately hoping for a greater understanding of the overall company, this will likely only increase management’s perception of your value while it exposes you to a different path
  7. Be Resilient and Remain Flexible: Changing careers can be a process and you can find yourself facing many ups and downs when changing careers. You may find it beneficial to participate in internships or freelance work to integrate yourself in your new career. Remain open to new opportunities and focus on how they ultimately help you get to your end goal! Know that switching careers may take some time, but it is possible!